The theme of the conference focused on the new Water Law, stormwater management with respect to climate changes, acquiring funds for modernisation and redevelopment of already existing drainage systems and new methods of their modelling and designing as well as hydrological and meteorological monitoring.



In order to sum up this event, one would say it was a great and positive surprise. Why was it a great surprise? Because there have been many conferences on stormwater management held in Poland for over a decade, but Stormwater Poland 2017 appeared to be different. What was the difference?


The subject of lectures and discussions were certain problems related to acquiring funds for modernisation and redevelopment of already existing drainage systems. The participants were acquainted with new methods of modelling, designing and data bases that should be used when preparing concept plans of stormwater drainage (including among others adaptation to climate changes). The representatives of RETENCJAPL web portal presented the implementation stage of Polish Rainfall Intensity Atlas (PANDa), a project carried out together with the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute, which is a source of valid information about design rainfall intensity used in designing and modelling of stormwater drainage systems in Poland. The presentation featured examples of PANDa project being introduced into integrated precipitation models.


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Dorota Jucewicz

Event Manager